Weeds High in Sugar and Fructan
The high sugar and fructan content of dandelions allow them to survive drought even when the grass is dead. Horses love them. This may be why horses often get laminitis during drought. Many common herbicides will control them.
Dandelions may be high in FOS. That’s the same type of fructan that researchers use to induce laminitis for clinical study. Horses love them. Make them go away if you have a horse prone to laminitis.
Genus cirsium can contain a lot of sugar and Fructo Oligosaccharides. Horses love them. These are difficult to control. Herbicide at bud stage or late fall works best.
Genus Sonchus is also high in sugar and FOS. This pony loves it. Make it go away. Ask your local agricultural agent or commercial applicator how best to kill it.
Genus Plantago. There are broad and narrow leaf species. These are added to pastures to fatten cattle and sheep. They are high in sugar and FOS. Make them go away.
Both dandelion and plantain grow close to the ground, so mowing will not control them. This is a job for herbicide. There are several that work well. Ask your local agricultural consultant or applicator.
Genus Erodium. Called storksbill in some places due to the shape of the seeds. Cattle growers know this weed is great for cattle feed but it will founder a horse. Pretty pink flowers.